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Scarsbrook 6 - November 2002
This was the last time we had all the children together in one place...when Carrie graduated from boot camp.

Randy and I are both very close to our immediate families. In our years together we have lost many treasured family members. The following pages are some of my favorite family photos. I will be adding more on a regular basis. I hope you enjoy browsing thru my photos.

Note 1: some of the photos in this section are quite large and may take a minute (or two) to load. I am working on optimizing all of my photos but it is a time consuming project and may take a while. Thanks for understanding. :o)

Note 2: I did have a page with photos of the Scarsbrook side of the family, but Randy's sister requested that I remove it. I did so. You can still read my tribute to my mother-in-law My Other Mom, and my brother-in-law Dave.

Note 3: You may notice a lack of photos of my brother. He works for the federal penal system and asked me not to include photos and names of his family.

* Our Photo Album *

Page 1: The Bartine Branch

Page 2: The Wilkins Branch

Page 3: Me & My Sis

Page 4: My Mom & Step-Dad

Page 5: Michele & Randy

Page 6: Our Kids

Page 7: Our Furry Family Members

© M Scarsbrook/Webbnutt 2000
These photos are personal family property
Please respect our privacy and DO NOT COPY
photos on this site. Thank you.

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Last update: August 3, 2006