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* Friendship Quilt 3 *

These squares were either sent to me or collected from various sites on the internet that offered them. All squares are linked to their home site if possible. If you like these squares, please click on the square to visit the owner's website. Do not take the squares directly from this site. And please do not link directly to the images. Thanks.

If you would like to donate a square email me.

The square must be 130 x 130.

ACraker Anja Kirsten's Square Resa
Anja Resa Toto's Memorial to Theresa HappyScrapper
Penny HappyScrapper Penny MimeeDonna
Toto's Memorial for Nicole Page's Parlor Leslie Toto's memorial to Dad and Mom
Treasure of the Web Toto Columbine Gurry Guddfinns
LadyWolf LadyWolf Chrissy

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Background by Webbnutt Designs

Last update: July 29, 2006